The Spooky Side of India: Uncovering the Country’s Haunted Destinations


Do you dare to venture into the spooky side of India? If you’re a thrill-seeker or fascinated by the supernatural, get ready to uncover the country’s haunted destinations. From ancient palaces to abandoned forts, India boasts a trove of eerie locations with chilling tales that will send shivers down your spine.

Travel to Rajasthan and hear the whispers of the restless spirits that haunt the haunted Bhangarh Fort, considered one of the most haunted places in India. Or explore the abandoned Kuldhara village in Rajasthan, where an ancient curse is said to have forced the villagers to vanish overnight.

In the heart of Kolkata lies the infamous Park Street Cemetery, where tombstones bear witness to tragic stories and restless souls. And for those brave enough, visit Dumas Beach in Gujarat, where the sound of waves is accompanied by haunting whispers and sightings of apparitions.

With its rich history and centuries-old legends, India offers an eerie journey for those seeking a taste of the supernatural. So, grab your ghost-hunting gear and prepare for a bone-chilling adventure in the haunted destinations of India.

Famous haunted places in India

Famous haunted places in India
Picture Courtesy: Google

India is home to numerous haunted places that have captivated the imaginations of locals and tourists alike. One of the most famous is the Bhangarh Fort, located in the state of Rajasthan. Legend has it that a curse was placed on the fort by a sorcerer, leading to its abandonment and the haunting of its premises. Visitors have reported hearing whispers and feeling an eerie presence as they explore the fort’s ruins.

In Rajasthan, there is also the abandoned village of Kuldhara, which is said to have been cursed by its inhabitants. According to the legend, the villagers disappeared overnight, leaving behind an atmosphere of mystery and fear. Many believe that the spirits of the villagers still haunt the village, making it a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts.

Moving to the city of Kolkata, we find the Park Street Cemetery, an eerie resting place for the deceased. The tombstones in this cemetery bear witness to tragic stories, and visitors have reported witnessing apparitions and experiencing strange phenomena. It is believed that the restless souls of the departed continue to wander within the cemetery’s boundaries.

Haunted stories and legends associated with these places

Haunted stories and legends associated with these places
Picture Courtesy: Google

The haunted places in India are not only known for their spooky atmospheres but also for the haunting stories and legends associated with them. In the case of Bhangarh Fort, the curse that is said to have led to its downfall is attributed to a sorcerer named Singhia. It is believed that he fell in love with the princess of Bhangarh and tried to bewitch her with a love potion. However, the princess discovered his plan and threw the tonic onto a boulder, which rolled over Singhia and killed him. Before dying, Singhia is said to have cursed the fort and its inhabitants, leading to their doom.

Similarly, the village of Kuldhara is said to have been cursed by the Paliwal Brahmins who lived there centuries ago. According to the legend, the region’s ruler fell in love with the village chief’s daughter and threatened to marry her forcibly. To protect their honour, the villagers decided to abandon the village and cursed it, ensuring that no one could ever settle there again. The curse is said to be the reason behind the village’s eerie ambience and the spirits that supposedly roam its streets.

The history behind the hauntings

The history behind the hauntings

To understand the hauntings in India, it is essential to delve into the history behind these eerie locations. Bhangarh Fort, for instance, was built in the 17th century by Raja Bhagwant Das. It was a prosperous city until its sudden demise. The exact reason for its abandonment remains unknown, but many believe that it was due to the curse placed upon it. The fort’s ruins and the tales of its paranormal activities have made it a popular destination for thrill-seekers and ghost enthusiasts.

The history of Kuldhara dates back even further. It was a prosperous village inhabited by the Paliwal Brahmins in the 13th century. However, the exact reason for its abandonment remains a mystery. Some theories suggest that it was due to an earthquake, while others believe it was because of the curse placed by the villagers. Regardless of the reason, the village stands today as a haunting reminder of its past.

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Haunted hotels and accommodations in India

Haunted hotels and accommodations in India
Picture Courtesy: Google

For those seeking an immersive supernatural experience, India offers haunted hotels and accommodations that are believed to be inhabited by spirits. One such place is the Brij Raj Bhavan Palace Hotel in Kota, Rajasthan. This heritage hotel is said to be haunted by the spirit of Major Burton, a British officer who was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Guests have reported seeing his ghostly figure roaming the corridors and hearing his footsteps in the dead of night.

Another haunted hotel is the Savoy Hotel in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand. It is infamous for the murder of Lady Garnet Orme, a British spiritualist who was staying at the hotel in 1911. Her murder remains unsolved, and guests have reported experiencing paranormal activities, such as flickering lights and strange noises, in the hotel’s rooms.


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