
Showing posts with the label Mahatma Gandhi

10 Places to Pay Homage on Gandhi Jayanti

  In the vibrant tapestry of India’s history, Mahatma Gandhi stands as a towering figure, a beacon of non-violence, and a symbol of the nation’s struggle for independence. As the nation celebrates Gandhi Jayanti on October 2nd, it is an opportune time to pay homage to the Father of the Nation by visiting places that played a significant role in his life and the freedom movement. Here, we explore 10 such places that offer a profound glimpse into the life and philosophy of Gandhiji. Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad: At the very heart of Gandhiji’s journey is the Sabarmati Ashram, located on the banks of the Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Established in 1917, this serene ashram served as the epicentre of many crucial decisions during the Indian independence movement. The simple living quarters of Gandhiji, the Hridaya Kunj, and the historic Dandi March are all tangible echoes of the past that one can experience here. Dandi, Gujarat: Dandi, a coastal town in Gujarat,