The Gypsies: Story Of The Romas In India


From the super hit Netflix series like Peaky Blinders to novels such as the Romani Rye and even Shakespearian plays such as The Tempest, do you know what all these pieces of art spread across centuries have in common? It is the Roma people.

The Romani community, often termed the gypsies, has inspired countless playwrights, writers, and composers across continents. Yet, their story has always been shrouded in mystery, myths, and unfounded superstitions. Join us as we uncover the true story of this amazing community and look at the lasting impression that they have created and are still making across the world.

Origin Of The Roma Community

Origin Of The Roma Community
Picture Courtesy: Google

You may have often heard or used the word gypsy. Loosely applied to people with free-spirited or nomadic lifestyles in the modern lingo, the term was originally used to refer to a community who left behind their homeland in Asia and spread all across the world. 

With increased awareness of people, this word, of course, is now taken as a racist slur-a a derogatory and archaic term. But even today, only a handful of people are actually aware that whom they easily label as the gypsies are actually the Romani people.

gypsies are actually the Romani people.
Picture Courtesy: Google

Again, as soon as one comes across the term Roma or Romani, the immediate conclusion that many people draw is that they are from Romania or Rome. But no, the Roma community is neither from ancient Rome nor modern-day Romania. In fact, many of you may be surprised to know that the Roma community actually traces its origin to the Indian sub-continent!

Yes, genetic studies have confirmed that the Roma community originates from the north-western part of India, corroborating the modern state of Rajasthan and certain areas which now lie across the frontier in Pakistan.

Why then do you find the Romas spread all across the world today? While there are no concrete answers to these, historical theories suggest that repeated raids by foreign powers along with natural calamities forced the Romas to spread to different parts of Europe around the 5th century.


FULL BLOG @  The Gypsies: Story Of The Romas In India


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