The Charity of Care Helping Unprivileged Mankind in Kolkata

The Charity of Care Helping Unprivileged Mankind

Around the world, several NGOs, Missionaries for charity are carrying out extensive social work across different domains. Kolkata too has a large number of active NGOs with dedicated volunteers, that are committed to bringing about positive changes in the society in general, and for the weak and underprivileged in particular. It is a blessing to be born in a good family with all the basic needs,

so it equally becomes the responsibility of people to help the underprivileged sector of society. These NGOs are working in the field of human rights, gender equality, poverty, unemployment, and so on. The service of charity resonates heavily with Ramkriskhna’s “Serving the mankind is serving the God” and Mother Teresa’s works for which she has been canonized as St. Teresa of Kolkata.


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