
Showing posts from November, 2020

10 Trekking Destinations In India For Beginners

  Trekking, as the dictionary meaning goes, refers to a long and arduous journey. Arduous it may be, but few things can quench your thirst for an adventure like a great trek through a beautiful trail. With the modern lifestyle and all its facilities, life may have become easier, but we have almost lost out connect with Mother Nature. Image Source: Google Trekking gives you a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with Nature and take a break from the monotony of life. As beginners, the idea of the trek may sound a little intimidating. But there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Remember you are not trying to scale some insurmountable peak. All you are going to do is only walk through hills while enjoying the pretty sceneries. If you are wondering where you can head to for your first trek, here is a list of  trekking places in India  especially suitable for the beginners: You may also like: Top 10 Adventure Sports Activities in India

The Best Routes for Road Trips in India

  Would you like to fly? Surprised and baffled by our question? Well, did you know that travel freaks often say that “Road trips are the equivalent of human wings!” And indeed they are. Nothing can be more refreshing than the wide-open road and exploring places that you have never seen before. With the new normal taking over lives and travelling on public transport such as planes and buses becoming risky, it is an ideal time to experience a road trip. And who knows, you may love this experience so much that you may want to set out on a road trip again and again. So, without much ado, take a look at some of the  best road trips in India  and pick out your favourite destination. Mumbai To Goa: Image Source: Google You may have heard a lot about Goa and its dreamy beaches. But have you heard about the road from Mumbai to Goa yet? Covering a distance of approximately 600 km, the drive from Mumbai to Goa is restricted to two national hi